How My Reading Has Changed Over Time

Hi friends! 👋🏻 Recently I’ve noticed that my reading habits have gone through a lot of changes. Naturally, there’s nothing wrong with reading habits changing but it is interesting for me to notice and compare them to how they used to be. Some of these changes are related to my job, some are down to changes in taste, and some are just because of me getting older. To me, none of these changes are bad or negative, just something interesting that I’ve observed about myself. i read a lot slower now I work five days and a week so I don’t really have the luxury to be reading all the time. I’m not saying that I’ve become one of those ‘I don’t have time to read’ kinds of people because I do still find the time (mainly on commutes, lunch breaks, and before bed) but while I could get through 100 pages in a day before, the amount I read in a day tends to fluctuate depending on how tired I am or whether or not I’m in the mood. It doesn’t really bother me at all because reading a little is better than just not reading at all. i […]