Month: April 2024

Books I Forgot That I Bought

Books I Forgot That I Bought
Posted April 27, 2024
Book Hauls, Books

Hi friends! 👋🏻 Since I started working in a library, I don’t buy a lot of books anymore. Why would I need to when I have a reasonably unlimited source of books at my workplace? An unfortunate thing that comes with this is that on those rare occasions when I do buy books, I can’t remember if I already have them at home or if I got them from the library. This doesn’t happen as often anymore, but there are still times when it does happen. Recently, I found a couple of bags on my bedroom floor that had books in them. Books that I’d obviously bought at some point but couldn’t really remember when. Some still had price stickers on them and they clearly hadn’t been touched, but the fact that I completely forgot I had them just shows how much of my life revolves around books now. it’s behind you by kathryn foxfield This book wasn’t part of the bag of books I found, but it is one that I forgot I owned. When I first started working at the library, I was still a regular YA reader and would always look for books in our teen section. I saw […]

How I Read Seasonally

How I Read Seasonally
Posted April 6, 2024
Books, Discussions

Hello again! 👋🏻 It’s been a while since I last posted and I do want to get back into posting regularly, so hopefully this is the first in a lot of regular Saturday posts. For almost the whole time I’ve been blogging, I’ve been a seasonal reader rather than a mood reader. There’s nothing wrong with being a mood reader, especially since most book bloggers are mood readers, but I’ve just never been that way. I’ve always had a very methodical way of reading that has seen different phases (when I was in school, I read two chapters before bed, then in sixth form a quarter of a book every day, now I do about three a day or I divide a book into sevenths to read) so mood reading is something that doesn’t pop into my brain very often. I guess that my seasonal reading could be considered a form of mood reading since the seasons tend to dictate what kind of mood I’m in, but I’ll just stick to ‘seasonal’ for now. Before we get into the post, I have some housekeeping: first of all, I got my Twitter account back! I learned about a little “hack” you can […]