My Wyrd & Wonder TBR

Posted May 4, 2024 by Louise in Books, TBR Lists, Wyrd & Wonder / 5 Comments

Hello hello! πŸ‘‹πŸ» This is my first time participating in Wyrd & Wonder and I’m very glad to be here! I don’t have a concrete plan of what I’m going to post throughout the month, but I think we’ll all have a good time anyway πŸ™‚

The theme for this year is comfort zone, but when reading back through this post, it looks like I kind of forgot about that and went for books that are just slightly out of my comfort zone. Whoops. But then again, I’m not a hardcore fantasy fan so I guess I could be venturing out of the comfort zone by picking up fantasy books to begin with.

Animated GIF of Merlin the wizard from Disney's

Cover of the book rule of wolves by leigh bardugo

I’ve been reading this book for what feels like months now and I was hoping to have it finished before the beginning of this month, but as of the time I’m writing this post, I’m about 75% through. That does happen when you only read three chapters a day. I am enjoying the book and I do still love the Grishaverse, but some of the chapters are so long they can feel like a slog to get through when I’m tired and on a crowded train.

Book cover of faebound by saara el-arifi

Our library recently got this book in and the cover immediately stood out to me so I had to pick it up. High fantasy and faefolk aren’t things that I usually go for but I think that’s from my preconceived ideas of what high fantasy and fairy stories are. I grew up when fantasy was mostly very much based on Western European folklore and there were a few exceptions to that, but this book appears to be inspired by MENA culture which is something I’m not that familiar with. I want this TBR to be have more diverse titles than I would have chosen in the past as well as get out of my comfort zones and this feels like a good place to start.

Book cover for this savage song by v.e. schwab

Originally, my plan was to reread A Darker Shade of Magic so that I could continue on with the rest of the series, but I ended up changing my mind and choosing This Savage Song instead. This book has been on my TBR for probably nine or ten years but I never got around to it. That’s partly because I had other things that I wanted to read first, and also because I just didn’t like the paperback editions that were available in the UK until a couple of years ago. I don’t see anything wrong with being shallow when it comes to book covers.

The cover of the book dead man in a ditch by luke arnold

I read the first book in this series almost two years ago and I remember really enjoying it. This series blends fantasy with crime and mystery and it makes for a really interesting world that I’m looking forward to reading about again. Hopefully, I can remember what happened in the first book because two years a long time in-between books for someone with a horrendous memory like mine.

(Apparently each book is kind of a standalone like a lot of crime series because the story is resolved at the end, so that puts my mind at ease.)

ook cover of Shanghai Immortal by A.Y. Chao, featuring an orange dragon amidst blue waves, a traditional Chinese pavilion, and modern city skyline in the background.shanghai immortal by a.y. chao

I mentioned this book in my previous blog post and I figured that this is the best time to read it while it’s fresh in my mind. Like I said in that post, it’s got vampires and it’s fantasy based on a culture that I find interesting so I may read it sooner rather than later.

talk to me!

What’s on your TBR for this month?

A cartoon dragon sits next to the text


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5 responses to “My Wyrd & Wonder TBR

  1. All of these titles are ones I haven’t read but want to read. 😭 I gave up on the Shadow & Bone trilogy after the first book, but I absolutely adored Six of Crows and the sequel. I do want to read this spin off, but I’m not sure if it’ll have the same impact since I didn’t finish Shadow & Bone. πŸ₯²

    I’m going to wait for your thoughts on Faebound as well — I’ve seen pretty mixed things about it so far.

    Good luck with Wyrd & Wonder! πŸ™‚

  2. Welcome, so glad to have you with us! I enjoyed Faebound, I hope you do too… I also have Rule of Wolves on my shelf and keep meaning to get to it!