Month: April 2021

What I Want to See in Media about Autism

What I Want to See in Media about Autism
Posted April 24, 2021
Discussions, Ramblings

Hi friends 👋🏻 We are getting close to the end of Autism Acceptance Month and it struck me that I hadn’t written a single thing about Autism this month. Of course, we should be accepting of people all the time, but awareness and acceptance months exist to teach people and here I am to teach. What originally made me think about how I want to see Autism-based media to change was actually an episode of American Dad! which features a running joke of Steve possibly being Autistic because he really likes trains, and this was punctuated by him stating a locomotion fact in a fast monotone voice while rocking back and forth in his seat. I wasn’t upset by this but rather disappointed because I didn’t expect that kind of “joke” from American Dad!. Obviously, I can’t speak for every single Autistic person because we’re all different and experience life in different ways from one another. This is just what I want to see personally. Resources: Autism Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) National Autistic Society UK Please do not use Autism Speaks when researching Autism. They are a hateful group that does not help Autistic people, focuses solely on children, and have a campaign that […]

10 Books I Would Gladly Throw in the Ocean

10 Books I Would Gladly Throw in the Ocean
Posted April 6, 2021
Books, Lists, Top 10 Tuesday

Hi friends! 👋🏻 I personally love the prompt for this week because deep down I am a cynical and pessimistic gremlin who really loves to complain. That being said, there are actually not a lot of books that I have rated less than three stars and even fewer books that I don’t have anything nice to say about. That is changing today because I very easily found 10 (but actually 11) books that I can rant about. Prepare yourself for some walls of text because this post is a long one. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce – I have to start with the big one. There has never been a book or an author’s entire bibliography that I have hated as much as I hate everything that James Joyce has ever written. I understand that “write what you know” is one of the biggest pieces of writing advice out there (which I honestly think is a load of rubbish), but Joyce wrote an entire novel about himself. Portrait is about his own life with all of the names changed, and I would mind that if he didn’t have the most boring childhood I’ve ever read about. […]