Month: July 2024

How I Watch 100 Horror Movies in 92 Days

How I Watch 100 Horror Movies in 92 Days
Posted July 27, 2024

Hi friends! At the time of me writing this post, it is less than 100 days until Halloween, but for people like me, it’s always Halloween. Although I indulge in horror content all year round, this is the time where my horror habits go up to 11 and it becomes pretty much the only thing I watch. If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll probably know that for the past two years I’ve taken part in the 100 Horror Movies in 92 Days challenge. It can be a tough challenge and I’ve watched a lot of garbage, but it’s also a fun one. This challenge was created by Spooky Sarah Says and you can find the full guidelines for the challenge on her blog, but the basic idea is this: watch 100 horror movies that you’ve never seen before in 92 days, starting on August 1 and ending on October 31. Sounds easy, right? Well, yes, in theory. In practise, it can be a lot harder than you thought. 92 days is both a long time and not a lot of time at all so you’ve got a lot of movies to fit in. So, how do I do it without burning out or […]