Category: Top 10 Tuesday

10 Books I Am Determined to Finally Read in 2021

10 Books I Am Determined to Finally Read in 2021
Posted January 12, 2021
Books, TBR Lists, Top 10 Tuesday

Happy Tuesday friends! 👋🏻 It is no secret that I am a terrible procrastinator. I procrastinated my way through school, sixth form, and university, and still got top marks. I procrastinate, sleeping, eating, drinking water, all sorts of things. And I definitely procrastinate reading certain books. I think we all do this to some degree; it’s not a common book blogger thing to say that your TBR will never shrink for no reason. We all get really excited for new releases and then completely forget about them for months or even years if you’re like me. I have a few reasons for procrastinating certain books: the hype is too intense, I’m not in the right mood for it, it’s very intimidating, or I just plain forgot that it even existed. If there is a reason, I will have cited it at one point or another. For this list, I’ve separated it into 5 YA books, and 5 classics because the YA titles are ones that I either forgot about or just keep pushing back, and the classics are books that I purposely put off reading because classics are intimidating and I’m not the pretentious teenager that I used to be. […]

(Part of) My Autumn 2020 TBR

(Part of) My Autumn 2020 TBR
Posted September 22, 2020
Books, Memes, TBR Lists, Top 10 Tuesday

Hi friends! 👋🏻 Today is the real first day of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere so I’m excited to share a part of my autumn TBR with you all! I say “part” of my TBR because I have two themed TBRs in autumn and I tend to go a little overboard. In October I read more horror, paranormal, and thriller books, while in November I read sci-fi. This part of my TBR is mostly my October TBR because there are a lot of things that I want to read in October and since this is Top 10 Tuesday, I’ve limited myself to 10 for the time being. Also, I don’t really know what I want to read in November yet, oops. The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey – Yes! I am finally going to read the book that I named my blog after! Yes I am aware that naming my blog after a book that I haven’t read is a little silly, but it sounded cool, okay? Ring by Koji Suzuki – I haven’t read very much Japanese horror outside of manga so I’m very excited to finally read thing one and also watch the movie adaptation. The Japanese one, of course, not the American remake. Mexican […]

10 Books I Want to See Adaptations Of

10 Books I Want to See Adaptations Of
Posted September 1, 2020
Books, Memes, Movies, Top 10 Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, friends! 👋🏻 Yes, I took another unexpected break but this one was due to my annual birthday existential crisis and also not being at home for my birthday (which was on Sunday, by the way). But I am back with some renewed inspiration! This week’s prompt is actually “Books That Make Me Hungry” but I have serious issues with food and don’t like thinking or talking about food, so I am doing my own thing this week by talking about adaptations. I like to consider myself to be pretty chill when it comes to adaptations of books because I don’t mind if things are changed or taken out, as long as the characters and the story are mostly the same as the book. You won’t find me in the cinema with a notebook or an imaginary checklist, making a tally of everything that the director got “wrong” because it doesn’t matter that much to me. If that’s your way of seeing it, that’s fine. You do you, but I prefer to chill out about it. Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld – This book has been at the very […]

10 Books I’m Intimidated By (but may still read!)

10 Books I’m Intimidated By (but may still read!)
Posted July 28, 2020
Books, Top 10 Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, friends! 👋🏻 This week’s Top 10 Tuesday prompt is a freebie, so I’ve decided to talk about which books I am most intimidated it. I am not afraid to admit that certain kinds of books intimidate me, whether that is because of the length of the book, the content inside the book, or even how popular the book is. There is absolutely nothing wrong with knowing what works for you and what doesn’t, but sometimes we do need to get out of our comfort zones and try out new things with our reading, so I may end up reading the books that scare me someday! Top 10 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff – Have you seen the size of this book? It’s huge! I am not used to reading gigantic YA books so this is one that I would have to take a steady pace with. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte – I have had this book sitting on my shelves for a very long time and it’s another huge book that I would have to take my time with. Plus, this is one of my mum’s favourite books so that […]

10 Bookish Locations on My Bucket List

10 Bookish Locations on My Bucket List
Posted July 21, 2020
Memes, Top 10 Tuesday

Happy Tuesday, friends! 👋🏻 This week’s Top 10 Tuesday prompt is “Bookish Events/Festivals I’d Love to Go to Someday” but since I am extremely unknowledgable when it comes to book events and literature festivals, I chose to talk about real-world locations that have literary history to them. Whether that’s because of certain books being set there, or famous authors being born there, I want to go. Travel is something that I have a love/hate relationship with because I love being in new places and going to museums and famous locations, but I absolutely hate the process of getting there. I hate airports and I can’t sit comfortably in a car for more than thirty minutes. The day that science invents instant transportation will be a very good day for me, but I can’t see that happening any time soon. Shakespeare and Co, Paris I have been to Paris a million times, but for some reason, I have never found this shop. This shop is pretty much the bookworm place to go in Paris, and yet I am so terrible at reading maps and following directions that I haven’t been to it. My family was planning to back to Paris this year, but because of the […]