Category: TBR Lists

My Spring 2022 TBR

My Spring 2022 TBR
Posted March 22, 2022
Books, TBR Lists

Hi friends! 👋🏻 We’re now getting back to the warmer months up here in the Northern Hemisphere and while that’s a good thing for a lot of people, I would rather it still be cold because I hate warm weather and I get seasonal depression in summer rather than winter. I’m truly a vampire at heart so too much sunlight isn’t good for me. I missed last week’s Top 10 Tuesday prompt because I am very forgetful, so I am presenting my spring TBR today instead. I haven’t been setting TBRs since I started my job since I now have a habit of seeing something that interests me on the self and then just taking it home, but since I have so many unread books at home, I want to try to read those before getting books from work. Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan – When this book came into the library, I knew I had to have it immediately. I may be reading a lot of library books with simple or minimal covers these days, but I am still a sucker for a gorgeous cover. I am a little confused on where this stands in terms […]

Series I Want to Continue With (Eventually)

Series I Want to Continue With (Eventually)
Posted March 3, 2022
Books, TBR Lists

Hi friends! 👋🏻 I love a good series but I’m really bad at finishing them. Sometimes I start a series and I really love it and I get a little overexcited and buy all the books in the rest of the series and then I end up completely forgetting about them. It’s a vicious cycle that I can’t seem to get out of. There are series where I’ve just given up on them entirely because I either didn’t like the first book, the series was too long for me to commit to, or it had been such a long time since I’d started it that I just wasn’t interested in it anymore. Thankfully, these series are not like that. It may have been a long time since I first started reading them, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t go back and reread it as if it’s the first time I’ve ever read it. (IMAGE SOURCE) the wayfarers series by becky chambers It hasn’t been that long since I read The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet (or maybe it has because time just doesn’t feel real anymore) but this is a series that I am itching to get my claws […]

Recent Additions to My LGBTQ+ TBR

Recent Additions to My LGBTQ+ TBR
Posted February 8, 2022
Books, TBR Lists

Hi friends! 👋🏻 February is LGBTQ+ History Month in the UK (our Black History Month is in October) and I’ve found that recently I’ve been adding more and more queer books to my TBR without actively looking for them, which is a good thing in my opinion. I tend to not talk about queer books as much as I used to because my tastes and what I want to read about could possibly land me in hot water with certain members of the community. I consider myself to be a queer woman but I don’t want to read about M/M relationships because it feels fetishistic for me to do that, I still prefer M/F pairings and I don’t have much interest in polyamory. Does that make me prejudiced towards people in those relationships? I don’t think so but I can see why other people want to read those dynamics, it’s just not for me. When I add books to my LGBTQ+ TBR, I only add books that explicitly have queer characters, not characters who are “queer coded” and no characters who are hinted at to be queer without the author saying that they are. I’m not that good at figuring […]

Classic Sci-Fi on My TBR

Classic Sci-Fi on My TBR
Posted November 16, 2021
Books, Sci-Fi Month, TBR Lists

Hi crew! 👋🏻 I have this annoying little habit of adding older books to my TBR and then just never reading them, and most of those older books on my TBR end up being sci-fi. The term ‘classic’ is entirely subjective but my definition of classic sci-fi leans towards books published in the 20th century or earlier that have a cult following or have been cited as being influential. You may have a different definition of what makes something a ‘classic’ and that’s totally fine! Neuromancer by William Gibson This book is a very recent addition to my TBR thanks to a recommendation from a colleague of mine, and I’m really interested in this one. I don’t know much about it other than it being one of the earlier cyberpunk novels but I think going into this one without knowing very much about it could be a good thing. Plus, it’s under 300 pages which is always a bonus to me. I Am Legend by Richard Matheson I haven’t seen any of the adaptations of this book outside of the Simpsons parody of The Omega Man, so this one really interests me. Zombies aren’t my favourite kind of monsters because there are only […]

My Autumn 2021 TBR

My Autumn 2021 TBR
Posted September 21, 2021
Books, TBR Lists, Top 10 Tuesday

Hi friends 👋🏻 Today is finally the last day of summer and I couldn’t be more excited. Summer is my least favourite season because it gets so humid where I live and I am that rare breed of person who gets seasonal depression in summer rather than winter. I just thrive better in colder weather. Plus, we’re going into Spooky Season which is always a big plus. If you have been following me around the blogosphere for the ten years that I’ve been blogging (👵🏻) you’ll know that my autumn TBR is split into two: horror for the beginning of the season and sci-fi for the end because I have my own Spooky Month event every October and I participate in Sci-Fi Month every November. Is it restrictive to only read two genres in one season? Possibly, but that’s the way I like to do things. I’m linking up to Top 10 Tuesday over at That Artsy Reader Girl today! Lost Souls by Poppy. Z Brite (Billy Martin) – I told myself that I would read this book at the beginning of the year and I’m finally getting closer to reading it! This book has been on my TBR for years and years and […]