Hi friends! 👋🏻 I don’t need to say for the millionth time that I’m not a summer person. I hate heat, I hate sweating, I hate sunlight, I just don’t enjoy anything about it.
Anyway, I found this fun tag while searching for summer book tags that aren’t a million years old and I like the look of it!
This tag was originally created by Bookables on YouTube!
1. sand in your toes – a book that’s perfect to read on the beach
I personally believe that every book is a ‘beach read’ because you can read a book anywhere you like. That being said, a book I read in my recent memory that is set near the beach is Prom House by Chelsea Mueller. Not really a traditional ‘beach read’, but it’s short and snappy and takes place in a beach house.
2. summer thunderstorm – a book that truly spooked you
I don’t get spooked very easily, but one chapter of Uzumaki made me very uncomfortable. I won’t spoil what it is, but I will say that it solidified my not wanting to ever get pregnant.
3. heating up – a book that was seriously steamy
I don’t really seek out ‘steamy’ books and I’m not a huge romance reader so I’m drawing a serious blank here.
4. rained out – a book that you were anticipating but was let down immensely
Oh, dear, Mockingjay. It has been a long time since I read this book but I still feel the disappointment to this day. The first two books in The Hunger Games are so good, and then this one just crashes on its face. Maybe I’ll reread the series to see if my opinions have changed since then, but who knows if I’ll ever do that.
5. vacay mode – a book that features a vacation
One of the Lara Jean books has a vacation in it, right? I’m vaguely remembering a ski lodge, but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
6. road trip- a book that’s all about a road trip
I know I’m clutching at straws here, but a good portion of Uglies is about Tally going out to find the Smoke. Yeah, she doesn’t have a car and uses a hoverboard, but it’s still travelling, right? Whatever. This is my post, I’ll do what I want.
7. amusement park – a book that felt like a rollercoaster
King of Scars is like the Six of Crows duology in the sense that each chapter focuses on a different character, and because of that, the plot can take some exciting turns. Well, at least I thought it did.
8. ice cream – a book that was deliciously sweet
My definition of ‘sweet’ is likely very different from other people’s, but the ending of this book is so sweet my teeth could have fallen out.
9. sunrises & sunsets – a book that has a sunrise/sunset on the cover or similar colours
I couldn’t exactly say whether this book whose title I refuse to type out because it’s too long has a sunrise or a sunset because it’s blue, but it certainly is gorgeous.
10. Long days – the longest book you’ve read this year
Clocking in at just over 600 pages, Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth is the longest book I’ve read this year. I get easily intimidated by long books because I’m not the fastest reader, and it took me a couple of months to finish this one.
talk to me!
Consider yourself tagged!
Prom House doesn’t LOOK like a beach read, but it sounds like it fits the bill. And I think that a hoverboard trip qualifies as a road trip. LOL!