Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

Unpopular Opinions Book Tag

Opinions are fun because we all have them. But then again the fact that we all have them can make them not fun. I personally like hearing what other people think about books because I can either rave about a book if someone agrees with me or I can have a healthy discussion if they disagree with me. Emphasis on ‘healthy’ because I’m not about arguing with people over something that doesn’t matter, like whether they like my favourite things or not.

This tag was created by TheBookArcher over on YouTube! And I’m not tagging anyone directly, so take that as an open invitation to do this and say I tagged you 😀


A popular book/series you didn’t like

The first book that springs to mind is definitely The Cruel Prince. I was really looking forward to it because it is so highly rated around the bookish world but I gave up on it halfway through because I was so bored and I didn’t like any of the characters. Not a single one.

A popular book/series that everyone else seems to hate but you don’t

I struggled so hard to think of something but I think I see some criticism of Stephanie Perkins’ Anna-Lola-Isla trilogy sometimes but I do still like those books.

An OTP you don’t like

They’re not exactly book characters, but I absolutely cannot stand Batman and Catwoman as a couple. It mainly comes from me not liking Catwoman at all, but they just don’t feel right together for me and I prefer Batman to be lonely and miserable. But then they made them get married in the comics. I’m still bitter about it.

A popular book genre you rarely reach for

I pretty much never seek out adult romance or erotica books because a lot of them never really catch my interest. If I do read it, it’s because I didn’t know it was erotica until I got to a particularly graphic scene. I’d honestly rather go on AO3 for smutty stories. Also, non-fiction because I just find it boring.

A popular or beloved character that you do not like

I’ve only read the first two Harry Potter books so far (and I already know how the series ends) but I really don’t see what everyone likes about Snape. To me, he’s just a bully who takes out his angst on children.

Another character that everyone loves that I don’t is Ronan from The Raven Cycle. I don’t dislike him but I just don’t get what everyone else sees in him. I can only take so much abrasiveness in a character.

A popular author you can’t seem to get into

It’s not that I can’t get into his books, but I have very little interest in reading John Green‘s books. I read The Fault in Our Stars before the movie came out and enjoyed it, but I just don’t feel compelled to read any more of his books.

For an author that I really can’t get into, I’ve tried getting into Jane Austen, but I just can’t do it. I didn’t finish Pride and Prejudice because I thought it was boring and even updating it to a modern setting doesn’t make it any more interesting to me.

A popular book trope you’re tired of seeing

Enemies to lovers. No question. I am the kind of person who could never be friends with someone who treats me like garbage, never mind end up in a romantic relationship with them. Plus, I have always hated the idea of ‘if they’re mean to you it means they like you because they don’t actually know how to flirt’. Ugh.

A popular series you have no interest in reading

There are so many series that I’m not interested in, but I would definitely have to go for The Mortal Instruments. Or any of Cassandra Clare’s books, really. I don’t know what it is about them, but they just don’t interest me.

The saying goes “the book is always better than the movie”, but what movie or TV adaptation do you prefer to the book?

I have seen the movie version of American Psycho more times than I can count, while I’ve read the book a grand total of once because I don’t feel the need to read it ever again. The satire is a lot more obvious in the movie, whereas it’s a little difficult to grasp in the book if you don’t know the ins and outs of 1980s New York yuppie culture. Which I don’t. Plus, the book is so brutal to the point that it’s just gratuitous at times.


talk to me!

Do you share any unpopular opinions with me? Do you disagree with any of mine?


  1. May 7, 2020 / 9:56 am

    I’ve never even tried Jane Austen!! Although I’ve oddly read a ton of YA retellings of her books?! 😂 And ugh Snape. He doesn’t get better and I never understood his “redemption arc”. Blah.

    • Louise
      May 10, 2020 / 2:44 pm

      I haven’t gotten to Snape’s “redemption” but I have a good feeling that I’m not going to like it as much as other people do.

  2. May 9, 2020 / 2:27 pm

    Ah, I loved reading this post so much!! Not gonna lie, I was kinda hurt when you said enemies-to-lovers, because that’s my favorite trope ever (when done right), but your reasons for hating is are so valid!! I also hate enemies-to-lovers where it’s revealed that the LI was mean to the MC because they liked them and didn’t know how to sort out their feelings. It happens in The Cruel Prince (I don’t know if you read that far), and I’m just… so over men getting accused for treating women like garbage, because they’re hot and just can’t get this women out of their mind

    • Louise
      May 10, 2020 / 3:02 pm

      I don’t think I read that far into The Cruel Prince, and now I’m glad that I gave up on it before then because I would have roasted it to a crisp.

  3. May 11, 2020 / 2:45 pm

    AH okay but I really love this post because I feel less alone in my unpopular opinions now, thank you very much hahaha 🙂
    I read The Cruel Prince and…. I wasn’t bored, really, but I feel like I expected so much MORE from it all and for me, it wasn’t that groundbreaking? I don’t know. I’m just happy I’m not alone haha. Also yes to The Mortal Instruments, this is such a popular series, but…. I have no interest in reading it ahha.
    Loved this! 🙂

    • Louise
      May 13, 2020 / 10:21 pm

      It’s always great to not feel alone anymore in our opinions 😀 And I really expected so much more from The Cruel Prince too, but I just couldn’t do it.

  4. May 13, 2020 / 2:57 pm

    I love the Anna-Lola-Isla trilogy. I think they are super cute and perfect for the age group.

    I’m with you on John Green. I like his writing, but I am never compelled to read more of his works. I only read him if a book club selects one of his books. I also don’t like Patrick Ness. I just don’t get it!

    I am also with you on The Mortal Instruments. I read the first book, was completely disgusted and bored, and walked away. Never again.

    This is a fun post! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    • Louise
      May 13, 2020 / 11:59 pm

      Yes!! The Anna-Lola-Isla trilogy is so adorable 🥰 I’ve never read any Patrick Ness but none of his books really interest me.

  5. June 1, 2020 / 1:47 am

    I read P & P and I liked it, but I wasn’t enthralled with it like so many people are. I still haven’t read any other Austen books. Maybe one of these days…

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