Month: January 2021

My Favourite Books and Movies of 2020

My Favourite Books and Movies of 2020
Posted January 26, 2021
Books, Lists, Movies

Hi friends! 👋🏻 2020 was a weird liminal space of a year that can only be split into “pre-lockdown” and “lockdown” so trying to remember what I read and watched has been very difficult, but from what I do remember, I can pick out some favourites that I want to talk about today! I didn’t read as much as I usually would last year and that’s fine because what I did read, I really enjoyed. As for movies, I watched so many movies that picking five favourites was the most difficult thing. I blame 31 Days of Horror for that because I managed to watch 37 movies in October and ended up completely wearing myself out. And now I’m crawling the walls wanting to go to the cinema which has been closed here since November thanks to tier restrictions and then national lockdown. I’ve been ignoring every single person who tries to say that “cinemas are dead” because I know that they are wrong. I just want to go see a movie and eat my expensive popcorn in peace. 🥺 books Vicious by V.E. Schwab – This was one of the very first books I read in 2020, way back in January […]

The Winter Wonderland Book Tag

The Winter Wonderland Book Tag
Posted January 21, 2021
Books, Tags

Hi friends! 👋🏻 It is still winter here in the UK, and although we don’t have “typical” winters with regular snow thanks to our strange geographical position in the world, we do get very, very cold, and we get storms. In fact, it is currently raining as I’m writing this post and has been for two days. That being said, winter is actually my favourite season. I don’t enjoy being hot and I hate hot weather so summer is the worst time of year for me. In fact, I’m pretty sure I have the opposite of most people who get seasonal depression in the winter because the summer makes me absolutely miserable. But this post is not for me to talk about how much I hate summer, it’s to answer some questions in this wonderful tag! I wish I could find who originated this tag, but no matter how much searching I do, I can’t find them. 😕 What book is so happy and sweet that it just warms your heart? Manga absolutely counts as books and that is because I am totally using this as an excuse to gush about Wotakoi once again. Will I ever stop singing this series praises? Absolutely […]

10 Books I Am Determined to Finally Read in 2021

10 Books I Am Determined to Finally Read in 2021
Posted January 12, 2021
Books, TBR Lists, Top 10 Tuesday

Happy Tuesday friends! 👋🏻 It is no secret that I am a terrible procrastinator. I procrastinated my way through school, sixth form, and university, and still got top marks. I procrastinate, sleeping, eating, drinking water, all sorts of things. And I definitely procrastinate reading certain books. I think we all do this to some degree; it’s not a common book blogger thing to say that your TBR will never shrink for no reason. We all get really excited for new releases and then completely forget about them for months or even years if you’re like me. I have a few reasons for procrastinating certain books: the hype is too intense, I’m not in the right mood for it, it’s very intimidating, or I just plain forgot that it even existed. If there is a reason, I will have cited it at one point or another. For this list, I’ve separated it into 5 YA books, and 5 classics because the YA titles are ones that I either forgot about or just keep pushing back, and the classics are books that I purposely put off reading because classics are intimidating and I’m not the pretentious teenager that I used to be. […]

My Blogging Manifesto

My Blogging Manifesto
Posted January 2, 2021

Happy new year, friends! 🥳 2020 was an absolutely horrible year for me, even though I did start up this blog to keep me occupied, and I am a very cynical person so I haven’t got any hopes for 2021 and haven’t set myself any goals. However, while I’m not making any goals, I have decided to set some blogging guidelines for myself, in what is actually a pretty old idea. I had a blog manifesto for my previous blog, but that was made about six years ago and not only can I not remember what was on it, but the post is also now gone so I’ll never remember what it was. Also, this GIF has nothing to do with my manifesto itself, it’s just the first thing that showed up when I searched for ‘manifesto’ in Giphy and is hilarious. My blog is my place to express myself and my feelings, and to share my thoughts, not those of other people. I will only read books that I really want to read and are books that I’m interested in, not what everyone else expects me to read. I will only review books and movies that I had a […]