Author: Louise

Dipping My Toes Back into Paranormal Romance

Dipping My Toes Back into Paranormal Romance
Posted February 8, 2025
Books, TBR Lists

Hi friends! 👋🏻 When I first started blogging (which was a very long time ago now, yes I’m old), my favourite genres were YA dystopian and YA paranormal romance. And there were a lot of books in those genres. So many that I eventually got burnt out on them and almost swore them off forever. Until recently that is. I’m still not the biggest lover of romance books because I am very picky with what I want to see in a romance story. I don’t like enemies-to-lovers stories, miscommunication bugs the hell out of me, I need the book to explicitly tell me that it has BDSM or other kinks in it, dark romance isn’t for me, and I hate bully romances. Very picky indeed. I’m not that observant of trends, but I’ve noticed a little trend in fluffy paranormal romances for adults recently, and that is something that I want to try. I don’t want every paranormal romance to be pure fluff or else my teeth would fall out, but that is what I’m in the mood for these days. Especially when they’ve got vampires in them. my vampire plus-one by jenna levine Ah, yes, the book that started the idea […]

5 Things to Know if You Want to Work in a Public Library

5 Things to Know if You Want to Work in a Public Library
Posted February 1, 2025
Books, Libraries

Hello again! 👋🏻 I haven’t been around the blogosphere for a while, and I felt like getting back into things at my own pace while also giving the blog a makeover. Parts of my previous theme were broken and I just didn’t want to use it anymore so I got a new one that works fantastically! I’m still in the process of updating some older posts to show my current social media links since there is one platform that I do not use anymore. Something that I (and I imagine a lot of other people who work in libraries) hear when I tell someone that I’m a library assistant is how much they would love to have my job, or how ‘lovely’ they think it is. And while I agree with them to a certain extent, it never fails to surprise me that so many people don’t really know what library work entails, especially public library work. This is not an easy job, nor is any library job. In fact, when I was a teenager, my dream job was to be a school librarian because I was so close to the librarian who worked in my school, but once I […]

Black Horror on My October TBR

Black Horror on My October TBR
Posted October 5, 2024
Books, Spooky Month, TBR Lists

Hi friends 👋🏻 Happy Black History Month and happy October! This year, I wanted to do something different for Spooky Month, by tying it into Black History Month, so my TBR for this year is only Black authors and my watchlist will be as many movies by Black directors that I haven’t seen before. This is something that I decided I would do earlier in the year, and now that it’s here, I’m excited to be exploring Black Horror more than I have before. Just a little disclaimer for anyone who’s confused about why I’m talking about Black History Month: Black History Month takes place in October in the UK, not February. It’s celebrated in February in the USA because it coincides with the births of two figures who are important in Black American history: Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. In the UK, we chose October because that is traditionally when African chiefs and leaders would gather to settle their differences. It also started in 1987, which was the 150th anniversary of the emancipation of slaves in the Caribbean. the reformatory by tananarive due This one is my current read! Tananarive Due is an author that I’ve known about for years thanks […]

How I Watch 100 Horror Movies in 92 Days

How I Watch 100 Horror Movies in 92 Days
Posted July 27, 2024

Hi friends! At the time of me writing this post, it is less than 100 days until Halloween, but for people like me, it’s always Halloween. Although I indulge in horror content all year round, this is the time where my horror habits go up to 11 and it becomes pretty much the only thing I watch. If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll probably know that for the past two years I’ve taken part in the 100 Horror Movies in 92 Days challenge. It can be a tough challenge and I’ve watched a lot of garbage, but it’s also a fun one. This challenge was created by Spooky Sarah Says and you can find the full guidelines for the challenge on her blog, but the basic idea is this: watch 100 horror movies that you’ve never seen before in 92 days, starting on August 1 and ending on October 31. Sounds easy, right? Well, yes, in theory. In practise, it can be a lot harder than you thought. 92 days is both a long time and not a lot of time at all so you’ve got a lot of movies to fit in. So, how do I do it without burning out or […]

My Wyrd & Wonder TBR

My Wyrd & Wonder TBR
Posted May 4, 2024
Books, TBR Lists, Wyrd & Wonder

Hello hello! 👋🏻 This is my first time participating in Wyrd & Wonder and I’m very glad to be here! I don’t have a concrete plan of what I’m going to post throughout the month, but I think we’ll all have a good time anyway 🙂 The theme for this year is comfort zone, but when reading back through this post, it looks like I kind of forgot about that and went for books that are just slightly out of my comfort zone. Whoops. But then again, I’m not a hardcore fantasy fan so I guess I could be venturing out of the comfort zone by picking up fantasy books to begin with. rule of wolves by leigh bardugo I’ve been reading this book for what feels like months now and I was hoping to have it finished before the beginning of this month, but as of the time I’m writing this post, I’m about 75% through. That does happen when you only read three chapters a day. I am enjoying the book and I do still love the Grishaverse, but some of the chapters are so long they can feel like a slog to get through when I’m tired and on a crowded train. […]