Category: Lists

15 Weird, Wild and Shocking Movies to Watch After ‘Saltburn’ and ‘Poor Things’

15 Weird, Wild and Shocking Movies to Watch After ‘Saltburn’ and ‘Poor Things’
Posted February 3, 2024
Lists, Movies

Hello again! đŸ‘‹đŸ» Recently two movies have been causing a bit of a commotion and getting a bit of a reputation for being quite ‘shocking’: Saltburn and Poor Things. I watched both of them to see how they fared when compared to things that I usually watch, and my takeaway was that they’re not that shocking.  Actually, I didn’t like Saltburn. I thought it was a boring drama about rich people being leeched on by ‘poor’ people with nudity and couple of weird sex things that aren’t that scandalous. Poor Things was a lot better because it was funny, had characters that were interesting, but I still didn’t think it was that shocking. Yes, it’s about a woman who has a child’s brain and grows up over the course of the movie, but it’s still just people having sex. And that doesn’t shock me because I’m an adult and I’m also not a prude. If you’re looking for things that are more scandalous than Saltburn or Poor Things, you’ve come to the right place because these are some of the weirdest and wildest movies that I’ve seen. But if you’re thinking ‘hey, you missed this one’ it’s because I either didn’t think it was that shocking or I haven’t seen […]

My Favourite Sci-Fi Horrors

My Favourite Sci-Fi Horrors
Posted November 7, 2023
Books, Lists, Movies, Sci-Fi Month

Hi crew! đŸ‘‹đŸ» If you couldn’t tell, my two favourite genres are sci-fi and horror, so when the two are combined, I’m always going to be interested. Picking a list of my favourites was oddly easy for movies, but a lot harder for books. It seems that I need to seek out sci-fi horror books more often to see what books are out there. Personally, I think that sci-fi and horror make for a good combination because what’s scarier that what we don’t know? And science is all about finding out things we don’t know, whether that’s out in space or here on Earth. Sometimes Earth is scarier… alien (1979) The general consensus among sci-fi fans is that Aliens is the best movie in this series, but I completely disagree with that. I much prefer the atmosphere and the characters in Alien and the ‘haunted house but in space’ theme has always appealed to me more than the action-oriented Aliens. Yeah, there are more aliens and the Queen is in that one, but I just don’t care for the characters: the Marines are all total meatheads and Newt committed the cardinal sin of being a child in a movie. But anyway, Alien is always the movie that […]

My Favourite Books and Movies of 2022

My Favourite Books and Movies of 2022
Posted January 10, 2023
Books, Lists, Movies

Hello again! đŸ‘‹đŸ» I took some time away from blogging (again) because life was getting to be very hectic, but I’m back now with a fresh mindset. I read 26 books and watched 141 movies, so picking my favourites was both a breeze and a chore, no thanks to my memory. I did manage to narrow it down to five each and I tried my best to actually remember things. It may not sound like it at times, but these are my favourites of the year 😅 This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron – I read both books in this duology and I liked the first book more than the second, but I think that’s because I forgot who most of the characters introduced at the end were and they ended up playing a much bigger role in the second book. Unfortunately, my poor memory plays a part in how much I enjoy a story. I haven’t read as much YA as I used to, but this one was still a good time. Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan – I’d never heard of the story that this book is a retelling of, but I did love the story of this […]

Upcoming Movies on My Watchlist

Upcoming Movies on My Watchlist
Posted August 4, 2022
Lists, Movies

Hi friends! đŸ‘‹đŸ» We’re getting into the later part of the year, which means that there are so many more movies that I want to see! There haven’t been a lot of movies I’ve wanted to see since the spring since the summer tends to get dominated by action movies and franchises that I’m just not interested in. There’s nothing really wrong with that since people like those movies, but they’re just not for me so there are years where I end up going months without seeing a new movie. Because I love doing challenges that will turn my brain into mush, this year I’m not doing 31 Days of Halloween, but 92 Days of Halloween. The goal of this challenge is to watch 100 horror movies in 92 days, and they can only be movies that you have never seen before. I like to rewatch my favourites in the run-up to Halloween so it’s going to be tough to watch 100 that I’ve never seen before. This GIF here will be me by the end of October: nope I know this movie has already been released in the US, but we still have another week to wait in the UK and […]

5 Reasons Why I Didn’t Like Your Discussion Post

5 Reasons Why I Didn’t Like Your Discussion Post
Posted March 26, 2022
Blogging, Lists, Ramblings

Hi friends! đŸ‘‹đŸ» If you didn’t already know (but you should because I never stop mentioning it), I have been blogging for just over ten years and I have gained a lot of wisdom and experience in that time. Nothing really surprises me in the blogging world anymore since I’ve seen it all, and I feel like this gives me the license to help people out with their blogs. Discussion posts are among my favourite posts to write because there’s something fun about throwing my thoughts into a post and then seeing what other people think, but not everyone gets it right. I have seen some discussion posts in my time that I didn’t think were up to scratch and made me X out of them once I was finished reading, so I wanted to share my reasons for not liking a discussion post. Don’t take this too personally, this is just what I think, and what I think shouldn’t matter that much. you’re misinformed. We all get misinformed about things from time to time, but when you’re writing a post about something, you really should know what it is that you’re talking about. I’ve corrected people about certain points […]